Driver Package for Asus Pro 60V Laptop / Windows XP
Just in case you want to install Windows XP to an Asus Pro 60V Laptop for your retro enjoyment: Here are the drivers 😉
Driver Package for Asus Pro 60V Laptop / Windows XP Weiterlesen »
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Just in case you want to install Windows XP to an Asus Pro 60V Laptop for your retro enjoyment: Here are the drivers 😉
Driver Package for Asus Pro 60V Laptop / Windows XP Weiterlesen »
sudo ufiformat /dev/sdk && sudo mkfs.msdos /dev/sdk
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Depending on how Proxmox VE was installed it is either using systemd-boot or grub through proxmox-boot-tool or plain grub as bootloader. You can check by running: proxmox-boot-tool status The first steps of copying the partition table, randomizing the GUIDs on the new disk, and replacing the ZFS partition are the same. To make the system
#!/bin/bashset -e set -x CLIENTS=$(echo „list clients“ | bconsole | grep „-fd“ | awk -F’|‘ ‚{ print $3 }‘ | sed ’s/\ //g‘) for CLIENT in $CLIENTS ; do echo „pruning $CLIENT…“ echo „prune jobs client=$CLIENT jobtype=backup yes“ | bconsole done echo „done.“
v4l2-ctl –set-ctrl power_line_frequency=0sudo udevadm control –reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
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Create VM After creating the VirtualBox VM VBoxManage modifyvm „Your VM Name“ –cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff VBoxManage modifyvm „Your VM Name“ –cpu-profile „Intel Core i7-6700K“ VBoxManage setextradata „Your VM Name“ „VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct“ „iMac11,3“ VBoxManage setextradata „Your VM Name“ „VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion“ „1.0“ VBoxManage setextradata „Your VM Name“ „VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct“ „Iloveapple“ VBoxManage setextradata „Your VM Name“ „VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey“ „ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc“
Short remider to myself and the rest of the world: Upgrade Firmware to latest (yes, 2013 is better than 2011) Set UEFI to UEFI ONLY! It’s 2021 as of now, so nobody should be using BIOS anymore. Seriously. Boot Kernel with iommu=soft option (in grub press „e“ if you are locked out already) Put iommu=soft
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After returning my first USB3 PCIe Card because it randomly stopped working and, just to experience the same problems with the card I got in exchange – thanks amazon – i finally found the root cause and permanent fix. The Renesas uPD720201 USB 3.0 Host Controller seems to have broken S3 power saving implenented. Since
git clone cd ethminer git checkout tags/v0.19.0 git submodule update –init –recursive rm -rfv build && mkdir build && cd build export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-8 export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-8 cmake .. && make . && sudo make install ethminer -P stratum:// Notes to self: use gcc-8 have at least 4GB Memory on the GPU use a CUDA-10 compatible
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Today a client brought a Samsung Galaxy S10 which reportedly caught in fire while lying on the QI charger. The device has been in use for around 18 months.
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Fehlercode auslesen Drehschalter auf 0 (aus) Drehschalter auf Pos. 4 (3 Uhr) Temperaturwahltaste gedrückt halten, mit gedrückter Taste Drehschalter um eine Position im Uhrzeigersinn drehen Temperaturwahltaste loslassen Fehlercode wird angezeigt Bekannte Fehlercodes: E09: NTC-Fühler am Luftauslass -> kann der Fühler sein, kann aber auch die Platine oder das Verbindungskabel sein (NTC lässt sich mit Widerstandsmessung
get source + build dependencies sudo apt-get source packagesudo apt-get build-dep package modify package cd package nano debian/rules update version history dch -i build package debuild -us -uc -b install package dpkg -i ../package.deb
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./MegaCli64 -LDSetProp -Cached -LAll -aAll ./MegaCli64 -LDSetProp EnDskCache -LAll -aAll ./MegaCli64 -LDSetProp ADRA -LAall -aAll ./MegaCli64 -LDSetProp WB -LAll -aAll
sudo apt –purge autoremove apport apport-gtk appstream snap epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-data epiphany-browser-data epiphany-extensions firefox
On my laptop, I am running full disk encryption (LUKS with a single encrypted ext4 partition), and a single, large swap file as large as my system RAM (16GB). Here’s how to make it work: Make your swapfile have at least the size of your systems RAM: Note the UUID of the partiton containing your
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