
DIY Surveillance Camera Recording

my crontab: # start recording on boot @reboot sleep 10; /usr/local/bin/startrecord.sh &> /dev/null # restart every 10 minutes to create a new file */10 * * * * killall ffmpeg ; sleep 5 ; /usr/local/bin/startrecord.sh &> /dev/null # purge old recordings 0 */6 * * * find /data/office-kamera -type f -mtime +12 -delete /usr/local/bin/startrecord.sh #!/bin/bash […]

DIY Surveillance Camera Recording Read More »

Create a video clip from a set of images using ffmpeg

imagine your image folder looks like this: rephlex@hera:[~/Schreibtisch/gna]: ls -1 * | headG0037679.JPGG0037680.JPGG0037681.JPGG0037682.JPGG0037683.JPGG0037684.JPGG0037685.JPGG0037686.JPGG0037687.JPGG0037688.JPG […] This is the command you’re looking for: ffmpeg -framerate 25 -start_number 37679 -i G00%05d.JPG -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4

Create a video clip from a set of images using ffmpeg Read More »

Mit Linux und ffmpeg zu Youtube streamen

VBR=“3500k“ # bitrate FPS=“30″ # framerate KEYFRAMEINT=“40″ # keyframe interval QUAL=“medium“ # ffpmeg quality preset YOUTUBE_URL=“rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2″ # youtube rtmp url KEY=“XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX“ sudo modprobe snd_aloop alsactl restore while true do ffmpeg -err_detect explode -thread_queue_size 16384 \ -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse \ -f v4l2 -video_size 864×480 -thread_queue_size 16384 -i /dev/video1 -deinterlace \ \ -vcodec libx264

Mit Linux und ffmpeg zu Youtube streamen Read More »

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