
Fix for UEFI + Hardware RAID + Linux = megaraid_sas io_page_fault

Short remider to myself and the rest of the world: Upgrade Firmware to latest (yes, 2013 is better than 2011) Set UEFI to UEFI ONLY! It’s 2021 as of now, so nobody should be using BIOS anymore. Seriously. Boot Kernel with iommu=soft option (in grub press „e“ if you are locked out already) Put iommu=soft […]

Fix for UEFI + Hardware RAID + Linux = megaraid_sas io_page_fault Read More »

How to hibernate and resume from swap file in Ubuntu 20.04 using full disk encryption

On my laptop, I am running full disk encryption (LUKS with a single encrypted ext4 partition), and a single, large swap file as large as my system RAM (16GB). Here’s how to make it work: Make your swapfile have at least the size of your systems RAM: Note the UUID of the partiton containing your

How to hibernate and resume from swap file in Ubuntu 20.04 using full disk encryption Read More »

Unlock your /home partition and other volumes with cryptsetup on boot (Ubuntu 17.10 / systemd)

With Ubuntu 17.10 using systemd 234-2ubuntu12.1 (as of me writing this) you cannot just do it the obvious way: This will create lines and/or keyfiles in /etc/crypttab, which systemd happily ignores. At least the unit-files systemd will generate on the fly will fail. The way to do it, is adding the correct kernel boot parameters luks.uuid=

Unlock your /home partition and other volumes with cryptsetup on boot (Ubuntu 17.10 / systemd) Read More »

Quick Tip: How to rebuild all initrds with dracut in CentOS 6/7

If you need to automatically rebuild all initrds for all installed kernels: rpm -qa | grep kernel | grep -v headers | grep -v tools | sed ’s/^kernel\-//g‘ | xargs -i dracut -v -f /boot/initramfs-{}.img {} Oh, and while we’re at it, the same for Ubuntu update-initramfs -u -k all

Quick Tip: How to rebuild all initrds with dracut in CentOS 6/7 Read More »

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