
Metaebene, persönliches, Blog-bezogenes

Clean default sources.list file for Ubuntu 20.04 focal

deb focal main restricted universe multiverse deb focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb focal-security main restricted universe multiverse deb focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb-src focal main restricted universe multiverse deb-src focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb-src focal-security main restricted universe multiverse deb-src focal-backports main restricted universe […]

Clean default sources.list file for Ubuntu 20.04 focal Weiterlesen »

Saving battery life on linux using powertop

Most distributions come with a handy tool called powertop, that is able to automatically set kernel parameters to save energy. sudo powertop –auto-tune Settings are not permanent, to you can use the following snippet to create and load a systemd unit file to load the settings after rebooting your machine: cat << EOF | sudo

Saving battery life on linux using powertop Weiterlesen »

Workaround of the month: Fix broken n32 o32 virtalenv on Gentoo mips when emerging spidermonkey-52.9.1pre1

Virtualenv ist utterly broken when you run Gentoo on MIPS using n32. This will lead to spidermonkey-52.9.1pre1 failing to emerge, because of „ImportError: No module named pkgutil“ or the like. Here’s how to fix it: Step 1: as root, create a user patch directory and download my patch for virtualenv into it, so emerge applies it

Workaround of the month: Fix broken n32 o32 virtalenv on Gentoo mips when emerging spidermonkey-52.9.1pre1 Weiterlesen »

Create a video clip from a set of images using ffmpeg

imagine your image folder looks like this: rephlex@hera:[~/Schreibtisch/gna]: ls -1 * | headG0037679.JPGG0037680.JPGG0037681.JPGG0037682.JPGG0037683.JPGG0037684.JPGG0037685.JPGG0037686.JPGG0037687.JPGG0037688.JPG […] This is the command you’re looking for: ffmpeg -framerate 25 -start_number 37679 -i G00%05d.JPG -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4

Create a video clip from a set of images using ffmpeg Weiterlesen »

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